Gentle Reminder

Di grup itbmotherhood muncul link ini. Pengelompokan tipe orang tua dan anak pake warna-warna gitu berdasarkan strength dan limitationnya. Hehe suami saya paling anti kelompok2an gitu, sama tes IQ pun skeptis, tapi saya ngerasa yang ini ada sesuatu yang bisa diambil. Seenggaknya buat catatan diri saya sendiri.

Setelah melihat deskripsinya, saya merasa saya tipe biru, suami merah, dan sepertinya asiyah tipe biru, maryam belum keliatan hehe.
"Blue parents are devoted to home and family. As a Blue parent, you want everything to be perfect. You have a tendency to lecture to get your way. Blues parents are often lied to because a child doesn’t want to disappoint you nor hear your lectures. You have a tendency to worry about your children, their day-to-day lives, and their future. You want nothing but the best for them.
Your Blue child is every bit the perfectionist you are. Don’t try to make your Blue child feel guilty. He will punish himself without your help. A mild disapproval is about all it takes. He seeks your approval and physical affection. Take the time to touch him, to talk with him."
"Red parents are in control. You are the unquestioned leader in the home. As a Red parent, you expect your children to do what you say, when you say it. You do not debate. It is important to you that your family be a cohesive group, with focused goals. If you have White or Yellow children, you will find their lack of follow-thorough disarming. Of all the DCMs Red and Blue parents are more likely to expect children to bend to their will. Work on your understanding of each of your children’s innate needs from a Red point of view: 
Your Blue child needs to be understood and appreciated. They may feel the need to over-articulate in order the achieve understanding. This will be when you need to work on your patience. Listen and validate."

Noted what I need to do more and be careful of..

Indeed, gentle reminder can be from everywhere. Even from a random scroll at FB :D


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