Morning Thoughts

To get exicted over something, even over a simple thing like thinking about your (hopefully productive) to-do-list today, is a blessing..

Yeah, I knew the days when life was just like a bunch of meaningless routines. Wake up unenergized and waiting when the night would come again. A phase in life that helps me to be more grateful for any good days in life.

So, any excitement, is trully a gift.

When I think it deeply, the ability to recognize positive feelings depends on our condition of imaan. And our imaan depends heavily on our interactions with quran.

In other words, the calming, energizing, positive, willing-to-be-productive feeling has strong relationship with our interaction with quran. Amazing. MasyaAllah..

May Allah guide us always and give us tranquility everyday.

Gothenburg, 6 August 2017,
_Morning,my favorite time of the day_


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