Learn from the Story of Musa AS (part-1)

We, human, are always obsessed with story. In this modern time, a lot of people watch movies, basically those are stories. In the past they also enjoyed story from poems, poets, etc. And quran is the best source of real and accurate stories. Even one third of quran consists of stories.

In these past three days, I'm learning a great story of prophet Musa AS, from bayyinah.tv narrated by Nouman Ali Khan (sorry I couldn't give the link because it needs registration.. just check 'bayyinah.tv' first)

There are a lot of wonderful lessons there, but now I want to share one (well, actually two) spesific hikmah.

It's about how great Musa's mother educated her child(-ren), especially the older sister of Musa.

When baby Musa was placed in a wooden chest and she allowed him to float downstream the Nile River, his mom told his older sister (perhaps around ten years old at that time) to follow him. Simple and short instruction "Follow him (step by step)."

And then she followed baby Musa, she kept an eye on him without looked directly to him until near castle. She walked and walked until she couldn't go any further, until baby Musa reached the castle and was found by Queen Asiyah.

All mother who was still breastfeeding their child invited to the castle to feed baby Musa. But he refused all of them. Allah had made any other milk (except her mother's) forbiden for him.

His sister was still waiting outside the castle, until some of the guards met her, she said,

"I might be able to tell you about a family who might able to take care of that child. They have good reputation with baby." She was so smart to point them to her family without obviously showing her identity.

And then, they took their family to castle.

Allah returned baby Musa to his mom. So her sadness disappeared, so she knew Allah's promise was true.

Musa's sister played an instrumental role, she was the essential key of Musa's life, or even entire Bani Israil's life.

Her mother must had raised her in a great way. It's about building independence, so she can carry on tasks.

Another lesson from this story is how to understand the different between our plan and Allah's plan.

Allah's plan is a partnership between our plan and His will. Do our part, just like Musa's mother sent her daughter out to observe baby Musa in the river, just like Musa's sister did her task perfectly.

"Give me the MOST of what you can do, I'll do the rest."

source of picture 


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